I hate it when I got fever..
Even worse when I'm alone and away from my family.

I'm now in Brunei for a vacation..tettt..nope..I'm here of course because of work. I traveled to Brunei from Labuan three times in this month. Dah lah by boat! So bad the company wants to cut cost. And by that, I mean always!! My body just getting tired by traveling and I just didn't get enough rest. So I decided not to go to the base today. There's no point going to the base especially on Sunday, if I'm just doing my work in front of my laptop. I can do that at home on the cozy sofa and in front of TV, no?
Oo yeah, I guess I haven't shared the good news with you guys. I don't know if you guys noticed in my facebook status or not...No..no..I'm not yet pregnant..not yet..InsyaAllah we are working on that..Well, actually I just got transfer back to Malaysia! Alhamdulillah. Finally, I'm getting closer to my family. Though I'm not assigned to be working in KL but at least I know I have flexible time to go home more often and my husband also can always come and visit me in Labuan. That's great! I promise myself and my family that I will work on to get any position in KL. Pray for me!

I think I just lost a bit of writing mojo after wait.....I guess 2 months since the last entry was posted in this blog..hahaha..that long, ey?!! I was almost shutting down this blog. ("-_-)

He is my true happiness
Picture taken in London, 2011
Dear flu & fever..please go away...