Actually reason untuk keluar hari ini was to go to company office in Menara Rohas Perkasa untuk endorsekan document then lunch and balik (ni reason I bagi kat encik untuk suami untuk keluar) but plan changed suddenly after my BFF sent SMS to me saying that "Mira..aku mimpi pasal Emir smalam..ko kat maner?"..I terus straight away called her..Then I was thinking why not I ask her out since I pon dah lame tak jumpe die..Oohh..BTW her name's Nana..
Off we go to Rohas Perkasa..sempat la jumpe my colleagues yang keje kat situ..had chit-chat a little bit then terus pegi fetch Nana dekat umah die..Nana ni my BFF sejak sekolah rendah lagi..We all sangat rapat since then and our family house pon satu taman jer...kire nyer rumah Nana tu dah jadi macam my second house la...selalu jer buat muke tak malu pegi lunch kat rumah die..hehe..I miss those time..
Okay dah melalut2 plak ni..nak cerite lain pegi cerite lain plak..Back to our topic..First plan nak pegi KLCC then Nana cakap die dah naik muak pegi KLCC (sebab she did intership dengan Petronas) and we changed our route to One Utama since I pon dah lame tak pegi saner..Sampai2 jer we all tengok sangat banyak kereta..I pon pelik..dah la weekday then tengahari pulak tu, dieorang ni tak kerja ker?? Then I teringat pulak yang malam ni Christmas Eve..orang take half day arini...No wonder la ramai giler orang..Pusing nak mencari parking jer took almost 45 minutes..Tension giler!! Last2 I dah geram I parking jer depan kereta orang then I put my phone number so that owner kereta berkenaan will call me kalau die nak keluar...but in the same time I prayed that die tak call I sampai I nak balik...hehe..memang betul pon die tak sakan la tu..

Sebab kami semua tak lunch lagi and mase on the way nak masuk parking nampak advertisment TGI Friday yang sangat besar dan menggoda jadi harus la ke TGI untuk memenuhi selere biawak kami..hehe..masih terase kesedapan Mac and Cheese..sedap nyer!!

While we were eating Nana got a msg from my other BFF Nisa yang nak join we all skali..bagus juge dapat jumpe Nisa si tilam Vono Emir..hehe..Emir memang suke kat Nisa..After penat meronde2 and had a second round makan2 session kat Kluang station we all pon balik..dalam sibuk berjalan window shopping tu sempat jugak la meng'grab' kasut crocs yang sangat super comfy and very worth buying..