Hi all,
It has been a week I dekat tengah-tengah desert ni..After a week I dekat base in Tripoli, my manager assigned me to one job..and now I'm in the middle of nowhere..missing my son terribly...Internet dekat sini punyer la super-lembabness...rase macam nak campak jer laptop ni..because of that I tak boleh la nak update my blog selalu..
On the way to the rig..padang jarak padang terkukur..
with the crew..i'm the smallest among all.. Mase I mula-mula sampai dekat rig ni I had been suffering from a bad allergic..bengkak-bengkak all over my body and sangat la gatal..and just for you to know dekat rig ni ade klinik kecik la (I don't think it looks like clinic) and to make it worst, the doctor is russian and he can't speak english!! goshh!! He can speaks arabic better than english tau..Nasib baik la a friend of mine teman kan and he spoke arabic with him and really tried to explain to the doctor about my condition..Doctor tu agak cute jugak la..*wink*...setelah bersusah-payah meng-explain dekat doctor tu tetibe doctor tu suruh baring..I memang dah suspens giler dah..dalam hati tertanye-tanyer kenape la tetibe si doctor ni soh baring pulak..rupe-rupenyer die nak inject I..I asked the doctor, is that necessary for me to get the injection...die kate injection tu untuk kurangkan rase gatal-gatal tu..It really suprised me that gatal-gatal dekat badan I memang hilang after kene jab tu..alhamdulillah..I think I've got that allergic because of weather kot and I don't think it is because of food..
Sekarang ni sand storm sangat teruk..sampai rase nak melayang badan I ni..pedih giler mate sebab pasir masuk banyak sangat..Tak boleh nak stay dekat luar lame-lame..after awhile kene masuk dalam lab cabin..memang mencabar sungguh!! But the best part is, setelah penat berkerja bile tengok gambar Emir terus rase hilang penat ni and tadi mase I chat with my husband, dapat tengok Emir live through webcam!! Best betul..rase macam nak masuk dalam laptop and cium die (wahh..macam la kecik sangat I ni..hehe)..
I might stuck with this job for another 3 weeks and start counting the days nak balik Malaysia..How I wish time flies very quickly!!..tapi dekat Malaysia biarla mase berlalu slow sebab I want to spend my time more with my son, my husband and my Family...
Owh ya..to Aida thanx for the award okay..Mira promise nanti bile free boleh letak award tu dekat blog..thanx again!!