Tuesday, December 23, 2008
MIssing In Action
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Futsal Tournament
On that big day, we all woke up early because we need to register before 9 a.m....I made some breakfast for them and we all together drove to Olak Lempik..We arrived there around 8.00 a.m..We thought we were quite early but surprisingly there's a lot of people came earlier than us..So after registered we searched for a spot for us to sit and put our bags..Owhh..I forgot to tell you guys that they named their team after my name..hehehe...I'm honored!!
Basically in the competition like this we are divided in group..In each group has like 3-4 groups depending how many teams register in this competition..So in our case we are in Group K which has 3 groups in it...We had to played with these team to determine which team is the winner of the team and qualified to play in the next level...We are so lucky to be a winner of the group but unfortunately we lost in the first game for the next level...hmm..what to do takde rezeki la..Never mind we play for fun!!!
We went back home at 5 p.m. and everybody were so tired and happy..We end up slept when we reached home...Majulah sukan untuk negara!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sehati Berdansa
It was so different what you watch in TV compared to when you watch it live..Apa yang kite tengok kat TV tu semua dieorang dah edit but when you watch it live you can see all the process of recording..there's one time Linda Onn (host) was made a mistake like two-three times..
Because we got VIP excess, so I had a chance to take picture with Sehati Berdansa participant exclusively...They all were surprised to see me pregnant..Iskk normal la kan orang pregnant..apelaa...Here are some pictures that I managed to snap while I was there..
My BIL's friend ada offer nak tengok Sehati Berdansa final ker tak..tengah pikir2 whether nak pegi or not..
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My Happy Day..there's a story behind it..jeng..jeng..
Today I went to Sunway Pyramid with my husband...My husband ponteng kerje sebab kepenatan driving semalam..tapi die boleh pulak teman me pegi Sunway Pyramid..hehehe..So since we are going to Sunway Pyramid we decided to buy a baby cot and baby tub..
At first we did a survey at Anakku outlet..Anakku has a lot of choices for baby cot with reasonable price and quite fancy..I prefer wooden baby cot..because it looks classic and I could use it for a long time until my baby reach 1 year old..Unfortunately Anakku doesn't have what I wanted...Then we walked to Jusco..We went straight to baby department then there's one baby cot catch my eyes..It's made by wood, white color, not that bulky and very classic..I asked my husband and he also agreed with it..in the same time my baby also kicking from inside (macam happy jer nak dapat baby cot tu)..I also found baby tub..I've never thought that baby tub could be that expensive!!..I mean I was expecting baby tub price is around RM20-Rm30...but most of baby tub I found, the prices were like RM70 and above!! By the way we did buy that baby tub and that baby cot..yeay!!
After that kiteorang jalan2 tawaf Sunway Pyramid..I stopped by kat MAC to buy foundation stick since the one I had is almost finish..Sesambil tu sempat juge saye merembat MAC Skin Refresher...MAC Skin Refresher is a soothing moisture mist that refreshes the skin and finishes makeup..This is first time I bought this Skin Refresher since mase my wedding mak andam yang make-up me was using MAC skin refresher and the result was my skin become more fairer and the make-up looks more natural..
Today I also got one parcel from POS Laju..hehe..I bought 2 tops and one dress from this Website..This website also offers nice dress for Muslimah and all dresses are really chick and modern..I think those tops are so cute and I also can wear it after I deliver my baby..Plus the price is quite cheap..
EidulAdha Update
We came back to Kuala Lumpur on the same day of Eiduladha because my husband has to work on the next day..Here are some pictures taken during Eiduladha...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Balik Kampung!!
My husband family just moved to Sungai Petani early this year..This time is my husband turn since we celebrated last hari raya Aidilfitri at my side... so I need to follow him (isteri mithali la sangat)..hehehe..
Pray for my safe journey to Kedah...
Meet my shopping mate..:)
Toon is my colleague + my ex-coursemate + my shopping mate..I met her when I was having a training course in France..I remembered the very first time we had a conversation, it was like no full stop!! We really click to each other..Shopping is her passion and so do I!! That's why we can get in together so quickly...She's from Thailand but she's working in Yangon, Myanmar.
Last Sunday she made a surprise call..I taught she was a stranger who got the wrong number..Then I was speaking Malay to her..The moment I recognized her voice when she said "Hey speak english!! (in her way of course)..I was screaming that I wasn't expect to have a call from her..She informed me that she's in Malaysia. She came down here to meet her boyfriend and to meet me!! I'm honored!!
So we meet up at KLCC. There's another two friends also joined us since they knew Toon from job which they went together..We all together had dinner at Sudanese..The foods were so good and Toon also like it very much... But the meeting was so short because she has to catch a flight to Singapore that night..After all I really glad that you're here Toon...Really miss the moment when we were in Paris...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I really need a new Wallet..
So I've been aiming for several wallets and these two really catch my eyes..drooolllllll.....

- Monogram Vernis, slighty embossed leather, calf lining and golden brass pieces
- Zipper closure
- Eight slots for credit cards
- Open compartment for small change
- Three large compartments with gussets for papers and passport
- Two inside patch pockets on both side

Continental wallet with gucci engraved metal plate, snap closure, seven card slots, bill compartment, and coin pocket .beige/ebony GG fabric with dark brown leather trim/interior and silver hardware.
For me I prefer the first one but you know the price really killing me..ermmm...what a hard decision to make...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
You'll NEVER feel sick again..
Just wanna share with you guys some good info about health..I think it's easy to practice since we can easily get all the food in the list..

Eat lots of fish as fish oil helps to
prevent headaches. So does ginger
which reduces inflammation and pain.
Oysters help increase your mental
functioning by supplying much needed
Eat lots of yoghurt before pollen
Prevents buildup of fatty deposit
on artery walls with regular doses
of tea.
Use Honey as a tranquilizer and
as a sedative.
Eating onions helps ease
constriction of bronchial tubes.
Salmon, tuna, mackerel and
sardines actually prevent arthritis.
GINGER : Bananas will settle an
upset stomach. Ginger cures
morning sickness and nausea.
cranberry juice controls harmful
PINEAPPLE : Bones fractures and
osteoporosis can be prevented by
the manganese in pineapple.
Women can ward off the effects of
PMS with cornflakes, which help
reduce depression, anxiety & fatigue.
A substance similar to that found
in cough syrup is found in hot red
and cabbage help maintain
estrogen at healthy levels.
antidote is beta-carotene, a form of
Vitamin A found in orange & green
Cabbage contains chemical that
help heal both type of ulcers.
Crate an apple with its skin. Let it
turn brown and eat it to this
Mono-unsaturated fat in avocados
lower cholesterol.
OLIVE OIL, CELERY : Olive oil has
been shown to lower blood pressure.
Celery contains a chemical that lowers
blood pressure too.
chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps
regulate insulin and blood sugar.
Bile mr hubby dah start complain..
So after we had our dinner, we walked and stopped at NIKE outlet..I've spotted one white shirt which is so simple, white and really my hubby type..plus it's so murah!!! Then I remembered my husband once complain that I always wore his t-shirt due to I could not fit almost of my t-shirt anymore!! (It's not because I'm getting fat okay...because my belly is getting bigger!!!)..He complained that I would stretch his shirt which I don't care at all..Nak buat macam mane kan..only his shirt yang comfortable for me for now..hehehe
My hubby is so happy when I gave that t-shirt to him..I got a kiss from him..yeay!!
Bad dream or nice dream??
Last night I had a dream..I dunno whether to classify my dream as a bad dream or a nice dream..Because there's certain part of my dream really make me feel scare..
Ermm...I had a dream that I really have had delivered my baby!!! The nice part was my baby is really cute but I could barely see his face..But from what I remembered from my dream that my baby is tiny and I think it's really comelsss...but..the scary part was I had a hard time to breastfeed my baby (nauzubillah..I really want to breastfeed my baby..)..
Anyway, it's only a dream, isn't it???
I pray that Allah always blessed me and give me an easy time to deliver my baby and be a good mother to my kids..InsyaAllah..