After 2 weeks surrounded by the sea, I am now back stepping on the ground..
Ada so many things yang I nak kena catch up..While I am now getting the internet connection better I siapkan kerja² yang tergendala sebab I was internet-less for 2 weeks kan..lama tu bagi pengguna internet yang tegar macam I..Especially when I was away from my loves one..mesti nak kena tengok my husband face and paling penting hero tercinta I, my beloved son...and it also includes meng-update blog kesayangan ni..
My last 2 weeks offshore experience was so amazing..First time pergi offshore la katakan..everything that I saw over there seems like new to me..I was a bit jakun for the first few days..Surprisingly I was the only girl on the drillship..You can imagine all eyes were on me..They looked at me as if they were looking at
miss world an alien from Mars landed on the ship..Kelakar betul...
There's one incident happened before I was boarding..Takde la apa sangat pon but I swear after this I will never let it happens again...A day before hari kejadian my manager dah confirm dengan I yang I will be going to offshore on the next day..I pon dah siap² bagitau security yang I nak kena pergi airport awal² pagi esoknya..On the way to the airport, the security guy tanya I, I berlepas at which airport? Instead of answering his question, I pulak tanya soalan dekat dia..
Don't we only have one airport in Port Harcourt?..Sebab tak pernah pergi offshore so memang sumpah I tak tau la rupanya ada airport lagi satu yang khas untuk chopper jer..Duhhh..Pastu dah la sampai² airport dengan confident pergi dekat check-in counter then the guy at counter told me that my name is not in the list...Being me, even I tried to be relax, still ada jugak rasa takut and risau tu..I pon terus call my manager and explained the situation to him..My manager tried to make me calm by saying he would try his best to put me on the chopper (helicopter) that morning..Agaknya dia tau I risau and takut kot..Apa tak risaunya dahla sorang2 pastu mamat Nigeria yang ada kat keliling duk pandang semacam jer dekat I..seram uuuuu!! I text my husband and dia pesan duduk kat tempat yang ramai orang..Finally I managed to get a seat on that chopper..phewww!!
First time naik chopper, what did I feel about it?? To be honest, I felt scared! Macam-macam I pikir before naik chopper..selamat ker? Dahla that morning hujan..lagi la I risau..before naik chopper, me and few guys yang lain masuk one room for briefing...Revise balik teknik² nak selamat kan diri kalau ade emergency landing..I dah belajar masa I ambik offshore survival kat Malta dulu..but bagus jugak ada briefing session tu sebab ada few things yang I dah lupa..hikhikhik
So sampai² jer dekat rig ada briefing lagi..berapa banyak briefing daaa...first briefing jumpa dengan captain drillship..then second briefing barulah masuk bab² safety, all the don'ts and do's thing to do on the rig..Time I sampai tu dah masuk lunch hour so after I'd done with the second briefing I pon terus ler ke dining hall..Perghh dining hall die memang best la..Antara dining hall on the rig yang paling best I jumpa..The foods was not that bad..I just need to be careful jer sebab they served pork too..Awal² I dah inform dekat camp boss (macam manager for the accomodation) yang I Muslim and tak makan baa aliff baa yaa..Bab² alcohol memang I tak risau sebab any medium of alcohol is not permitted on the drillship..
Lepas lunch I pon masuk bilik yang dah di assign for me..yang tak best nya kena share bilik dengan my colleague...since I am the only
beautiful lady on board haruslah my roommate itu berlainan gender...At first rasa sangat tak selesa but I was so glad he was on the different memang tak pernah jumpa kat dalam bilik..berselisih pon dekat working area sahaja! lega I!

Basically this is how my room looks like..macam bilik kat hostel gitu..tapi tilam itu sangat comfy..I tido rasa macam malas nak bangun..comforter is provided..sebelum² ni memang I bawak selimut sendiri..Everyday ada cleaner datang to clean the room and every week they will change the bed sheet..Kat dalam bilik ada TV siap..tapi sayang takde E! channel..hari² I layan CNN..

Each person on board on the rig will be assigned a specific muster point for any unlikely event we all semua kena gather kat assigned muster point..yang macam ala² boat kat dalam gambar tu lebih kurang macam boat penyelamat la kiranya..Each boat boleh occupy dalam 10-12 persons and each of us kena tau boat yang mana satu di assign for us..

THE Anchor

Every 2 weeks there will be a BBQ organized by the company..I had a chance to attend BBQ last weekend..memang happening!

My favorite spot during coffee break..layan habis minum hot chocolate kat sini..=)

Sepanjang 2 weeks I was there, I dah 2 kali nampak dolphin..First time nampak dolphin jumping here and there, I was so amazed..Macam nampak kat dalam TV..the second time the dolphin came closer to the drillship..Subhanallah memang sangat cantik...Other than that I nampak jellyfish, so many kind of fishes yang kadang² get close to the surface..kalau boleh fishing kat situ memang husband kalau nampak ikan2 besar ni dia sure suka..

My work station...My inspiration...

Me with Nathan and Okere..teman bergelak ketawa sepanjang I kat sana..Okere sangat la funny orang nya..kalau jumpa sure I gelak jer...
I have learned a lot from there..I made a lot of new friends kat sana....Oooh lupa nak cerita.I met one Malaysian kat sini..Malaysia Indian guy..Dia yang tegur I dulu..I was so happy dapat jumpa dengan least ada kawan yang boleh converse in Malay..I memang excited kalau dapat jumpa orang Malaysia especially dekat tempat² yang macam ni lagi la I appreciate sangat kalau dapat jumpa Malaysian..I am proud to be Malaysian!
Begitulah serba sedikit experience I masa kat atas rig 2 weeks ago..Kalau ikutkan I have to stay there longer tapi atas sebab tertentu my manager terpaksa panggil we all balik dulu..since our preparation pon dah 99% complete...Nanti I kena pergi balik ke rig ni for operation pulak..last 2 weeks I pergi just for preparation jer..Next time it will be more easier for since I dah tau banyak pasal drillship ni..It was such a remarkable experience for me...