As I mentioned before our company's security level in Nigeria is very high..Each time we all keluar from the camp memang kena escort tak kira la dekat ker jauh..escort memang wajib!
So geng-geng security ni terdiri from Nigeria's Police Department and also our company ada security team sendiri yang terdiri daripada abang-abang gagah perkasa from Scotland..Rasa-rasanya our company tak trust 100% from Nigeria's Police Department kat sini kot...bribery and risau kalau-kalau ada pisau dalam lipatan that's why our company hired someone from outside just to monitor them..I've been told jugak yang abang-abang Scotland are not allowed to carry gun and hanya Nigeria's Policeman jer boleh...
Antara abang-abang gagah perkasa a.k.a security team in my company..they will stand outside the bus to make sure everyone is on the bus before we depart and they will also make sure number of people masa pergi adalah sama dengan jumlah mereka yang pulang ke base di waktu petang..
Charlie Pepper 1 @ CP 1...that's what we call them during working hours besides their name..Seriously!!..ada CP1,CP2,CP3 and CP4...mereka ni la yang ditugas kan monitor abang-abang police Nigeria yang jadi escort we all..Tengok lengan pon dah tau abang ni tough kan..
Each vehicle moving out from the camp akan ada escort depan and belakang by Nigeria's Police Department..Abang-abang police kat depan tu memang tak pernah senyum langsung...ketat jer muka tu..hehehe..
Charlie Pepper 1 @ CP 1...that's what we call them during working hours besides their name..Seriously!!..ada CP1,CP2,CP3 and CP4...mereka ni la yang ditugas kan monitor abang-abang police Nigeria yang jadi escort we all..Tengok lengan pon dah tau abang ni tough kan..
Each vehicle moving out from the camp akan ada escort depan and belakang by Nigeria's Police Department..Abang-abang police kat depan tu memang tak pernah senyum langsung...ketat jer muka tu..hehehe..
Ooo..pernah satu hari tu, ada one car ni nak try menyelit in between our bus and the police escort depan bus we all..abang police tu macam cepat jer nak angkat his gun and pointed to that car..I yang tengok ni pon macam seram jer..relax la abang tu agak nya pon tak tau yang we were being escort by dalam kereta tu sure cuak giler at that time..
Abang police turun suruh kereta-kereta lain ke tepi to give a way to us...Traffic memang sangat teruk every morning and every of the thing sebab condition jalan yang sangat teruk..
Last Saturday, I have been told that there were robbery incident happened closed to our camp..Nak di jadikan cerita masa tu our company car from airport baru jer nak masuk simpang to our camp..then nampak ada geng yang try nak rompak one of the shop closed by our camp..Apa lagi kejadian tembak menembak pon berlaku la..Alhamdulillah takde nyawa yang melayang sebab geng tu sempat lari..and Alhamdulillah jugak I was not in the car during that time..kalau tak mesti rasa phobia giler...
P/S: Doakan keselamatan I dekat sini...Hopefully nothing will happen while I am here..Nauzibillah..
P/S: Doakan keselamatan I dekat sini...Hopefully nothing will happen while I am here..Nauzibillah..
mencabarnye duduk kat sane....
dorang pegang senapang mcm pegang penyapu...ngeh3...
Nana:Hehe..tular..seram tengok dieorg pegang gun..tgk gun pon dah rase semacam jer..memang mencabar and kena be extra careful..
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